Burns & Batchelor Photography

2014 Holiday Photos


1.        Choose Your Prints Package

Package A

Package B

«Package C«

(2) 5x7

(1) 8x10


(2) 5x7

(2) 8x10

(8) wallets


(4) 5x7

(3) 8x10

(16) wallets


All packages include an online gallery to view your photos and order additional products.  Online galleries expire after 21 days.


2.        Add Items to Customize Your Package*


With Package

W/O Package

5x7 Print



8x10 Print



11x14 Print



16x20 Print



10x20 3-photo Gallery Wrap



8 Wallets



Digital File***



* Ask if you want something not shown on this list.

** First 5x7 print is $8.  Additional 5x7 prints without packages are $10 each.

*** The digital file “with package” must be the same one used for a print in your package.


3.        Choose Gifts for Family, Friends, or Yourself


With Package

W/O Package

2014 Holiday Ornament with your Picture

$12 or 3 for $30

$20 or 3 for $50

2014 Photo Cube (4x4x4”)



OtterBox® Commuter Series® Case for iPhone 5/4/4S, Samsung Galaxy S3/S4*



OtterBox® Defender Series® Case for iPhone 5S/5/4S/4 or Samsung Galaxy S4*



BASIC Case for iPhone 4/4S/5*



Coffee Mug (15 oz, white)



*All phone cases are made by Bubblegum Basics.


4.        Choose your Holiday Cards


Press Printed Flat 5x7

Premium Folded 5x7

Die Cut 5x5

Boutique Folded 5x7

Press Printed Folded 5.5x8.5*



$  25



$  70


$  40

$  60

$  60

$  70



$  80

















Custom card design $50.  All cards include envelopes.

Cards can only be ordered as an add-on to a minimum $45 package.

* The Press Printed Folded 5.5x8.5 cards feature overnight shipping if the order is placed by 4:30 PM.


All prices subject to 8% Illinois state sales tax.


We will have most products available for pickup at Yorkville Animal Hospital 7 days after your photo session.  Rush service is $20 extra.  Ask us if you need shipping.